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Deliver different content to different devices. A jQuery plugin.

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Responsive Content

A jQuery plugin that helps you serve different content to different devices.

Responsive Content is used to load content that is appropriate to the current device's screen size. It is typically used alongside Responsive Design techniques. Note however that Responsive Design and Responsive Content act on different levels: given a particular screen width, the former applies a particular styling to the same content - whereas the latter actually loads different content. It can be used subtly - for example to cause smaller images to be loaded on smaller devices - or to deliver radically different content to different screen widths or device capabilities.

How it works

Responsive Content is a coarse-grained content loader, designed to pull an entire block of HTML into the "content" area of a page. The idea is to have "header" and "footer" HTML areas that are common across all devices (styled appropriately using CSS media queries), and to dynamically replace the "content" area of the page with HTML tailored to the requesting-device's width or capabilities.

The content is loaded as a single HTML fragment using Ajax and inserted into a specified container element. Each fragment request reports the screen width and other device capability information, allowing the server to tailor the HTML fragment in its response. How the server does that is dependent on the particular site requirements, server-side languages etc., and is outside the scope of this jQuery plugin.

As narrow screen widths are generally associated with lower bandwidth connections, we take a "progressive enhancement" or "mobile first" approach: the content area is expected to be pre-populated with the narrow/mobile version of the page content; an Ajax reload is only triggered if the screen width exceeds a specified breakpoint.

Clicks on page links trigger the same Ajax mechanism, causing new width-tailored content to be loaded into the page. Thus for a user's journey through the site, the header and footer areas are loaded only once at the point of entry, resulting in potential performance increases. The Pjax technique is used to ensure that the URL history and address-bar state is correctly maintained throughout.

Design Criteria

The approach meets these critical criteria:

Client Side

Load the file jquery.responsive-content.js in a <script> tag, then call the responsiveContent() function on a jQuery selector wrapper that returns the (single) content-container element:

    // options

The available options are all optional:

For example:


    // Switch on the emulator if the url hash is #emulator
    emulator: /^#emulator$/.test(window.location.hash),

    // Tell the server about the device's touch capability and whether it's a retina screen
    capabilities: {
        touch: 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement,
        pixelratio: window.devicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1

    // ping Google Analytics after each "page"
    afterLoad: function(){ 
        if ( '_gaq' in window ) {


Server Side

The query parameters passed by each Ajax GET request are:

If the _rescon query parameter is present in a request, the server should render a fragment that omits all surrounding HTML, especially the <script> tag that contains or externally loads the $('#myContainer').responsiveContent() function call. This is important in order to prevent perpetual request loops.

The server should use the width and capability parameters to conditionally alter the HTML fragment that it returns. Exactly what this entails is implementation specific and beyond the scope of this jQuery plugin.

The server should ensure also that the above __rescon*_ query parameters do not leak through and reappear in anchor href attributes in the returned HTML fragment.

Here is a very basic PHP example of the server side logic.

Click Behaviour

Clicks on links selected by linkSelector will cause new fragments to be requested and loaded into the container element using Pjax. This causes the address bar and history state to be updated with the link's href URL, ensuring correct back/forward button behaviour. Pjax also caches DOM fragments so that post-Ajax page state is maintained when navigating the history.

NOTE: this only applies to browsers that support the HTML5 History API. IE9 does not, for example. In this case the fallback behaviour is to always load the entire page as normal including its default content, followed by device-tailored content via Ajax if the screen width exceeds the breakpoint option value.

Performance Considerations

The impact on performance depends on the device's screen width, its browser's support for HTML5 History API, and whether we are considering an "entry" page or a "post-click" page. (An entry page is just the first page that a particular user visits on the site. It is not necessarily the home page; for instance the user may click a link on another site to a specific article on this site.)

Compared to a "same HTML for all devices approach", and assuming Responsive Content is being used load "lighter" content volumes into smaller devices, the potential performance impacts can be summarised across four classes of device:

With the inevitability that the last device class will diminish and the first will likely grow, the tendency is for an overall performance increase - with the exception of entry pages on larger devices. Given that the latter typically have the higher bandwidth connections, the 'Performance Orientation' design criterion is fulfilled.

Cache Considerations

The approach is cache-friendly. Firstly, URLs for full pages are the same across all devices since the initial page state is the same for all devices, being progressively enhanced only if the device's screen width merits it. Secondly, all Ajax requests use the GET method with URLs that - along with their query parameters - are fully deterministic. The URLs in both cases are thus effective as regular cache keys since they are not reliant for their uniqueness on other HTTP request headers such as User Agent or Cookie.


The page degrades to the mobile content when Javascript is turned off. With the appropriate use of CSS Responsive Design, this may hopefully be rendered acceptably.

Device Emulator

If you set emulator: true and resize the browser window, Ajax calls will be made and the content will be reloaded according to the current window width, rather than the device's screen width. This is useful in development for viewing the resulting content variants, but should be used with caution on production sites. The reloads are throttled to maximum of one per second as you drag the browser window edge.

Example Sites

The Chap Magazine. The number of articles on the front page decreases on lower screen sizes, as does the actual size of images in articles. Try it in emulator mode.

Metro Blogs uses an evolution of Responsive Content, which adds a "swipable" content area. This library will be published separately on Github in due course.

Responsive Content is a fork of Pjax.

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